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My friends!
Well, I wouldn't be the person I am without some of the greatest individuals in the world constantly by my side. I could never be thankful enough for their precious time they have given me. I love you all to bits! To any I've missed, sorry!

Firstly, a very special thanks to my Mum and Dad! Thanks for everything!

Thank you so much!
I would like to thank Kerri for understanding when others simply couldn't. (Go visit her site!) Emma, my bestest friend in the world entire world! All my other School buds who have managed to make me smile when I have been down. Especially Jodie, Sarah, (J2) Gem, (WHERE'S GEMMA AND THAT LOT?) Tralee, (CORK) Hayley (SHARON!) and Tanya.(MAKING LOVE)

An extra special 'hello' to all my penfriends!
'The Malta Crew!' Vicki Neighbour, Harriet, Steve, David Ray, Jo Catling, Wendy Boucher.
Sam Long, Katie Parkin, Pam Startup, Kerry White, Nadia Oviedo(where are you?!), Brianna Theisen, Sab, Parveen Gill, and Zoe Jenkin.
Bonjour, Guten Tag Virginie Courcol, Christina Sendler, Laura Nienburg, Claudia Schlosser, and Pic.

Also a very special hello to all of the great ppl I have met here on the net.

We all complain about them but we couldn't live without them! All these guys have made a difference in my life. Whether it was positive or not is a secret! Thanks to,
Ginger Stu! For being Ginger and such a wonderful human!(U saved my life!) Jake and Dan, both such an inspiration! Ben, Rors, Richard all for putting up with me! Filipe for being such a great person, 3 Pints, Cockney and Yorkshire for making mine, Em's and Lindsey's holiday the best! Aussie, Bog, Rowan, Weasel, Filby and the rest of the Indie bashers crew, Richard(Bar-B-Q)and Wherry, Garrow, Piss Lips and Stef for making me laugh so much and letting me and Em stay with them. Dan, Stevo, Andrew 'Bob'Quarton for always managing to make me smile! he he And of course my two older brothers. I love you guys!
A new hello to all the Cromwell peeps-especially Alice, Stu, Chris, Emily and other cool ppl who know me.

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